With performances by the PCSO New Orleans Jazz Band and the entire Portland Columbia Symphony orchestra, our 2021 Virtual Gala was a smashing success! It’s never too late to make a gift in support of PCSO’s mission to cultivate and champion a diverse community of musicians and audiences through affordable, accessible concerts. Visit https://novanw.org/donate/ today!

Andrew McMasters, host and auctioneer
Steven Byess, music director

Joe Klause, cornet; Sean Kelleher, clarinet; Greg Scholl, trombone; Mitch Iimori, banjo; Marc Bescond, bass; Mike Romanaggi, drum set.

Produced by The AV Dept. on Saturday, February 20, 2021 at Showcall Studio in Portland, Oregon.

Additional videos and production by Left Door Streaming, Abi Goldenberg, Great. Arts. Period., MeyerPro, Metro East Community Media/Gresham Center for the Arts Foundation; and Zach Zalinkas.