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Margaret McShea

Margaret McShea

Principal Bassoon

Margaret McShea hails from Texas, where she received her degree in Bassoon Performance from the University of Texas in Austin. She and her trombonist husband moved to the Pacific Northwest long enough ago to have a native Oregonian son and are never moving again!

Margaret plays both bassoon and contrabassoon with regional symphonies such as the Vancouver (WA) Symphony and Oregon State University Orchestra, and she is also a chamber music specialist, performing regularly with several groups, including the PCSO Wind Quintet, which does outreach to children through concerts in schools and libraries around Oregon. She has a soft spot for vocal works, and has enjoyed being in the “pit” for countless musical theater and opera productions, as well as on the stage with local choral groups Portland Gay Men’s Chorus, Oregon Repertory Singers, Willamette Master Chorus, Bravo Vancouver, Portland Vocal Consort and Portland Symphonic Choir. In the past few years, she has also branched out into studio recording and music videos with groups such as ARCO-PDX.

When not playing music, Margaret can be found in the great outdoors, gardening or camping and hiking with family and friends.

Margaret McShea’s chair is sponsored by Steve & Diana Gordon.